Building the future park customer
operation system from 0 to 1

Service Design
User Research
Product Design

Kaisa Jinshawan International Paradise is a world-class benchmark cultural tourism business card project built by Kaisa Real Estate on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. It combines five thematic amusement parks, performing arts centers, beach parks and other businesses, forming an international tourism resort complex in the Greater Bay Area.

MOMOUX collaborated with the team from Kaisa to plan the future digital service operation system of the international theme park. Based on service design thinking, the user journey map and service blueprint were reorganized, and a digital customer relationship operation platform and backend management system were defined to empower the staff and operations of the future Jinshawan Park.

Neither loyalty programs nor annual passes build true customer relationships. Every long-term sustainable relationship that a company builds with its customers is its greatest asset for growth.
-Email from Noble, President of Kaisa Sands Bay International Park
-Former Director of Disney Operations
How to build a long-term relationship bond with park visitors?
Through interviews and systematic analysis of online and offline and different people's journey output insights and visions. We also comprehensively sorted out the needs of data and users' experience needs in the park to empower the improvement of service quality.
Build a "sense of wonder" experience park with high retention rate and high emotional resonance
In order to enhance the experience of the visitors, we use service design thinking to plan the service memory points of the park in phases to enhance the peak experience and make the visitors feel the warmth and surprise of the service.

I think the future of CRM is not the traditional CRM,

-Noble (former President of Disney Operations), President of Kaisa Sands Bay International Park

For business cooperation please contact us

We improve people's experience around their lifestyles and create real and warm design
Create heartwarming experiences
for the world

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